Wednesday 12 April 2023

Help us Map Creative Health

If your organisation supports or provides any activity in which people explore their creativity, culture and/or heritage to the benefit of their health and wellbeing we would be very grateful if you could complete this short survey.

More about us:

Organisations of Hope is an AHRC funded research project led by The University of Manchester which aims to create a Greater Manchester creative health coalition. The research supports Greater Manchester’s strategy of becoming a creative health city region. We hope to understand better how creative health might make our communities healthier and fairer.

 •We understand a creative health asset to be places that support people to explore their creativity, culture and/or heritage to the benefit of their health and wellbeing.

 •Part of the research involves mapping Greater Manchester’s existing creative health assets. •These places might be cultural institutions, heritage sites, participatory arts organisations but we are also interested in mapping creative health activity in health and social care organisations and voluntary, faith and community (VCSFE) organisations.

 Once we have located Greater Manchester’s creative health assets, we hope to have them included as a layer within Mapping GM. This will enable us to understand how creative health assets are distributed across Greater Manchester and potentially provide a public facing resource listing creative health assets.


Cartwheel Arts
110 Manchester Street
OL10 1DW


T: 01706 361300 

Company number: 2161995
Charity number: 519394

Copyright Cartwheel Arts